Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Attaining an audience via blogging.

       Blogging is a new medium of communication and one type of social netwoking besides Facebook, MySpace and Twitter to name a few. Blogs enable people to interact with each other through online. The communication occurs in real time with everyone at any part of the world can get connected. During the early days of blogging, it is used as an online diary and one of the earliers blogger who utilising this application was Justin Hall. He was a student in Swarthmore College, United States in 1994 (wikipedia, 2010).  
       The first requirement the bloggers must consider in order to attract audiences and consequently read his or her blog is by recognising the target audience. The ability to know the audience enable bloggers to tune their way of writings and topics they want to write about in a way the targeted audience interested at. Another thing is bloggers must be consistent in posting their writings. Be it a post every day or a weekly post, bloggers need to be constant in their posts. This will keep the audience up-to-date with the progression of the blogs. Some audience may keep updating the blogs that they find interesting everyday. If they figure out that the bloggers irregularly post their writings, slowly they will loss their attention. At the end, the audience will abandon that blogs.

        It is recommended that the bloggers used a conversational language. This means that they can write in a way they talk; short paragraphs and sentences will give a huge impact to the understanding of the audience. The layout of the blogs is also play an important role in catching the attention of the audience. The right combination of colours between the layout and words of writings and also font of the words affect the thoughts and interest of the readers. We will distracted to read if the blogs that we come across use bright, red colour layout with a white colour for the words and small font size, say, font 8.

        One of the simplest way to get an audience is by being a follower to a blog first, hoping that the owner of the blog to follow back our blogs. This method does not guarantee the number of audience to be increased but at least someone may read the writings and there are chances that the readers get interested to our blog and subsequently becoming our aaudience. There is a saying that sounds "If we never try, then we never know". The addition of gadgets or widgets to the blogs will also attract others to become an audience. Gadgets can be in many forms such as music plugins, latest news and statistics of how many readers have come to the blog. Gadgets will make the appearance of the blogs to be attractive & exciting to be read.

         To conclude, blogs are very useful for us to express ourselves, get connected with others, and also share information between blogger to blogger and blogger to readers. The ability to attract audience to read our blogs constantly will enable us to generate some money if we properly manage our blogs.

-Ancora Imparo-


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