Sunday, December 12, 2010

Two important things to get a job

The session on Friday was quite light and easy without much explanation. We spent most of the time in the computer lab to create or adjust our resume and cover letter. I just knew that every resume has only about 45 seconds to be scanned and read by the officer who is in charged for the job seeking in a company. So, in order to capture the interest of the officer, we were advice to write concisely and straight to the point by using “chicky” words or sentences. Our task was to finish both items on the same day and submitted them to an assigned person’s email for printing. At the end of the session, we were told that there were several individuals that did not have a team. To enable all people to be in a group, a person from the groups that have 9 members has to move out and join the new team. Mine was included. We did a vote and a girl got selected. We were asked to make some researches to prepare for our product proposal brainstorming session on Monday (13th December 2010). Each group must have one agreed product to be proposed. I am still thinking about it right now. Till the next post, Take care! 
-Ancora Imparo-

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